Agromiks provides ISO guaranteed, natural and effective feed additive solutions.
  • Agroarom liquid
    It is used for poultry as growth promoter and immune system supporter.
  • Agro-ACK
    It is used for poultry for meet vitamin needs.
  • Vit BCK
    It use for poultry to meet vitamin needs.
  • Agro Adek-C
    It use for poultry for meet vitamin needs.
  • Allvits
    It use for poultry to meet vitamin and amino acid needs.
  • Agromin
    It is used for poultry to meet mineral needs.
  • Liver fresh
    Liver tonic contains herbal extract that effectively improve liver function improve productivity repair of damaged cells.
  • Respiralmint Forte
    It is used as a digestive stimulant, respiratory support and appetite enhancer.
  • Selen-E
    It is a product that improves fertility and hatchability in vitamin E deficiency.
  • Garmix
    It gets balance in digestive system.
  • AgroforceD3
    It is used for poultry to support skeletal system and boost eggshell quality.
  • Agrosal
    It is used for poultry to prevent heat stress.
  • Agrovit Mix
    It is used for poultry for meet vitamin and amino acid needs.
  • Agroarom Mix
    Growth promoter and Antioxidant in Broiler and Layer feed.
  • Agro AD3-E
    It is used to meet vitamin needs.